About Mastervision

Founded in 1980 by home video visionary Richard Stadin, Mastervision was a leader in bringing cultural and informational videos to families and libraries across America. Stadin saw the potential for VCRs before almost everyone and put together a potent catalog of instructional videos and recordings of theater, film, and opera performances.

Richard Stadin, signing away his baby in 2015
Richard soon saw that while his library of licensed titles was selling, he was going to have to create his own programs for the business to reach its potential. In the coming years he worked with committed producers on a series of projects that came from their hearts involving the civil war, bird identification, baseball, tax preparation, languages, and butterflies.

Seeing the value in trusted names attached to quality products, Mastervision partnered with the Audubon Society, the Smithsonian, Little League Baseball, and the Touche Ross accounting firm, releasing many hours of video, first on VHS, then on DVD, that garnered excellent reviews and touched peoples’ passions across America.

In 2015, Richard decided to retire. He passed his company along to me because we had worked together for such a long time. I co-wrote and directed Little League’s Official How-to-Play Baseball Video more than 30 years ago. I worked with Richard regularly on marketing and tech issues that Mastervision faced, including putting together the elements for the conversion of the videos to DVD. I also co-wrote and directed Audubon VideoGuide to Butterflies: Common and Endangered and Audubon Butterfly Essentials for Beginners and Gardeners. It was not surprising that at some point Richard and I found that we had become friends.

It has been my goal to continue to help people find the informational and cultural videos we have that they need. The Mastervision catalog is now small, our Thornton Wilder duo the only titles licensed after production, but if you’re looking for quality productions made by passionate artists about these subjects we think you’ll like what we offer. In fact, I guarantee it.

Peter Kreutzer